Assays, Biophysics and Screening Technologies
Proteros can provide, full biochemical and biophysical characterization of ligand-target interactions for even the most challenging drug discovery projects.
Assays, Biophysics and Screening Technology
The Proteros Reporter Displacement assay (RDA)
Enzymatic Profiling and NanoBRET (Promega)
- Technologies: FI, FRET, TR- FRET, HTRF, FP, Abs, Luminescence, AlphaLisa &
- Alpha-Screen (PerkinElmer), Transcreener (BellBrook Labs), IMAP, ADP GLO (Promega) etc.
- Deliverables: IC50, Ki, Lineweaver Burk analysis, mode of action studies, enzymology
- Applications: Primary screen, hit profiling, lead optimization
- Throughput: Screen: up to 100,000 ligands/week, IC50: up to 1,000 ligands/week
Biophysics Technologies at Proteros
Proteros in-house libraries in collaboration with Enamine
- 3k hand-selected Fragment library
- 41k fragment-enriched small molecules Range Finder Library
- 150k high-quality small molecule Library
- 191 k high-quality small molecule (fragment enriched) Range Finder & Small Molecule Library
Please inquire on our DNA-encoded library options regarding our collaboration with X-Chem !
- Fragment enriched 41k small molecules library
- Fragment enriched (25% MW
< 300 g/mol - Sorted by size: 10,000 Fragments
can be screened separately - High sp3 fraction,
average sp3 fraction = 0.42 - Applications:
Combination of fragment and small molecule screen
Screen of smaller library with high hit rates.
Proteros Structural Biology Stats
years unlocking demanding targets
pharma and biotech partners
projects completed
Contact Us
Contact us about our assays, biophysics and screening capabilities.
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