At Proteros we have built an extensive biophysics platform that enables you to generate the target-ligand interaction results and insight that you need and allow you to REACH RIGHT FASTER.
Our Biophysics platforms enable:
- Biophysical assays for target-ligand interaction analysis
- Library screening (incl fragments)
- Quantification of binding affinity and/or kinetics: Kd, kon, koff, kinact, ∆S, ∆H, ∆G
- Orthogonal hit verification
- Site of ligand binding
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
Technology: 8K + instrument (Biacore)
Deliverable: Ligand binding, Kd, kon, koff, residence time
Applications: Primary screen (incl. fragments), hit profiling, lead optimization, investigation of ternary complex formation
Throughput: Screen: up to 20,000 ligands/week, Kd: up to 100 ligands/week
Isothermal Calorimetry Titration (ITC)
Technology: Malvern Microcal PEAQ ITC®
Deliverables: Kd, ∆S , ∆ H , N
Applications: Hit profiling, orthogonal screen, lead optimization, candidate selection, verification of allosteric binders
Throughput: Kd: up to 10 ligands/week
Technology: PrometheusTM (NanoTemper technologies) (label free)
Deliverable: TmApplications: Primary Screen (incl. fragments), orthogonal screen, allosteric screen, testing of protein stability, construct evaluation, investigation of protein domain structure
Throughput: Screen: up to 1,500 ligands/week
Technology: Thermoshift assays (based on dyes)
Deliverable: Tm
Applications: Primary Screen (incl. fragments), orthogonal screen, allosteric screen, testing of protein stability, construct evaluation, investigation of protein domain structure
Throughput: Screen: up to 20,000 ligands/week
MicroScaleThermophoresis (MST)
Technology: Monolith NT115picoTm (NanoTemper technologies)
Deliverable: KdApplications: Primary screen (incl. fragments), hit profiling, lead optimizationThroughput:
Screen: up to 1,500 ligands/week, Kd: up to 50 ligands/week
Profiling technology

Proteros Statistics
years unlocking technically demanding targets
Pharma and biotech partners
Protein structures elucidated
Why use the Proteros Biophysics services
Assay Development and screening
Expertise to match assay and Biophysics strategy to required insights
Access to fit-for-purpose screening libraries
High-Quality Screening libraries
Agility and flexibility of execution & communication
Dedicated, expert project management
Contact Us
Contact us to find out more about the Proteros biophysics services.
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